Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. is a 24-Hour emergency provider that provides consulting and contracting services for a wide range of incidents involving releases of petroleum, PCBs, VOCs, heavy metals and asbestos. We are routinely called to mitigate releases at bulk fuel plants and terminals, gas stations, railroads, roadways, ditches and culverts, groundwater, potable water wells, lakes, rivers, wetlands, sewer systems, street vaults, greenspaces, industrial facilities, commercial buildings and homes.
Our emergency response mobilizes a team of qualified professionals using state-of-the-art equipment. This Response Action may require the following scope of services:
• Containment of free fuel or chemical product.
• Recovery of free or contained product.
• Collection of multi-media soil, groundwater, surface water and/or vapor samples to determine
if additional corrective action is required.
• Clear utilities.
• Excavate area of contamination.
• Clean residual contamination or fuel stained surfaces.
• Collect excavations soil samples for disposal purposes and to document the cleanup project.
• Perform follow-up sampling if residual contamination remains present.
• Conduct a full investigation if the residual contamination is above action levels.
• Design a remedial action plan to remove the residual contamination.
• Provide a final closure report to the Client, Third Party(s) and Regulatory Agencies.