Due Diligence, Property Transactions, Mergers Acquisitions and Redevelopment
Environmental Troubleshooters Inc. works with developers, attorneys, lenders and municipalities to facilitate property transactions and redevelopment of contaminated sites, including:
Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
Phase I ESAs
Phase II ESAs
Brownfields Redevelopment
Clean Up Grant Assistance and Response Action Plans (RAPs)
Sub-slab Vapor Mitigation Diagnostic Analysis and System Installation
Contaminated Soil Excavation and Off-site Disposal
Site Closure Negotiations and Regulatory Assurances
Affidavits, No Further Action Letters and No Association Determinations
Cost to Close Estimates / Diminution Valuation
Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Services
ET performs Phase I ESA services to protect prospective property owners, developers and financial institutions from liability. Our ESAs are conducted in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards and EPA's All Appropriate Inquiry Requirements. Supplemental services required under Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) are also available.
When a Phase I ESA identifies recognized environmental conditions (RECs), data gaps or business environmental risks at a site, ET performs a Phase II ESA to assess for the presence of contaminants, including the collection of soil, groundwater and soil vapor to determine the extent and to quantify the risk to the property and occupants.

Brownfields Redevelopment and Clean Up Grant Assistance
Brownfields are properties that are contaminated from historic uses. There are unique challenges to redeveloping brownfield sites, including reducing unknowns, cost control, and complying with environmental regulations while running an efficient construction project.
State and federal grant funding may be available to assist with redevelopment, including vapor mitigation and contaminated soil management. ET has worked with municipalities and developers for over a decade to assist clients with obtaining state and federal brownfields grants. These grants benefit the community by redeveloping underutilized properties, reducing neighborhood blight, increasing property values and tax base and stimulating redevelopment to the surrounding area.

Site Closure Negotiations and Regulatory Assurances
Regulatory protections are available for buyers, developers and lenders associated with brownfield properties. If these parties follow the proper due diligence path, they can be granted voluntary party status and receive regulatory No Further Action Letters, No Association Determinations and/or Off-site Source Determinations. These assurances program provide developers with a regulatory path to move forward, banks confidence to loan money and collateralize the site, and realtors the ability to market and sell the site.
Many leak or spill sites that have been previously closed still remain contaminated. This residual site contamination may result in a decrease to the value of the property. ET routinely assists clients with determining the property value reductions at sites due to the presence of contamination.