ET in the News
Restoring Glory: Knife River Facelift Advances
More Soil Issues found at Proposed Morgan Park Construction Site
Bad News for Grand Marais Wetland Restoration Project
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Redevelopment's Environmental Work
Along the Knife River, Kevin Bovee waded through the waist-high ferns along the riverbank and stopped at the water's edge.
Across the narrow stream, a good jumper could clear it in a single bound, a wall of bare clay reached high above the river.
Grease Ooozes into Harbor
Analysis has uncovered additional contamination and soil issues on a 15-acre Morgan Park site where Ikonics Corp., a maker of image technologies, hopes to build a new production facility.
Craig Wilson, owner of Environmental Troubleshooters, said his Duluth-based firm has identified a few "hot spots" containing heavy metals and petroleum products on the property that was formerly home to Atlas Cement.
Major Gasoline Leak in Ely
An idea brought forth by David Demmer of Cook County Planning & Zoning to restore a portion of the Grand Marais Recreational Park to its original wetlands state received blowback after an environmental engineer reviewed the almost two-acre site and found quite a few problems with it.
Grand Marais Power Plant
Hundreds of gallons of used kitchen grease oozed into the Duluth storm sewer system after Monday's accident downtown, and some of the grease flowed into Lake Superior, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency said Wednesday.
Environmentally Friendly
To understand Craig Wilson's passion for his profession, you have to go back about 50 years. It was a spring day in 1976, and Wilson found himself peering over the Lester River Bridge on London Road.
A gasoline leak, originating from a broken underground feed line at the Holiday Station on Sheridan Street, led to thousands of gallons of gasoline leaking into the city's sanitary and storm sewer system earlier this week.
The Grand Marais Public Utilities Commission began demolition of the old power plant near Grand Marais Recreation Park campground last week. Edwin E. Thoreson, Inc. is performing the demolition for an estimated $38,000. The PUC worked with Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. on some environmental cleanup inside the facility before the demolition began