Hazardous/Regulated Materials
Before any building can be redeveloped, including remodeling or demolished, an Asbestos Inspection and Hazardous and Regulated Waste Assessment must be conducted. ET can perform these inspections / assessments and assist the developer in determining the cost to conduct abatement.
Asbestos Consulting
ET’s asbestos services consist of inspecting, bulk sampling, patching and repairing, abatement designing, abatement monitoring, air sampling, employee training and record keeping. Our asbestos inspection services consist of 6-month periodic surveillances, annual damage assessments, accessible asbestos inspection and bulk sampling and demolition asbestos inspection and bulk sampling. All asbestos bulk samples are analyzed by an independent laboratory to avoid any conflicts of interest with the analysis.
Asbestos abatement projects are designed using detailed work specifications. Each asbestos abatement project is bid out to obtain the best price for our clients. Our industrial hygienists closely oversee work practices to ensure proper removal procedures are followed. All projects are closely air monitored to ensure adjacent areas are not contaminated during abatement and abated spaces are cleared and safe to reoccupy.

Lead Based paint Inspection
ET can assist clients by determining if a lead paint hazard exists in your building, facility or structure. We conduct lead inspections and collect samples to determine if a lead hazard is present and to what extent. If lead levels are above action level, we assist clients and contractors to comply with the lead in paint standards, so the project can move forward.

Regulated Waste
Regulated wastes typically include commercial or household products that contain regulated chemicals, heavy metal containing products, treated woods, light ballasts, electronics, and white goods and must be removed and disposed of prior to demolition of a building. Commonly, observed regulated waste include household chemicals, paints, florescent light tubes, florescent light ballasts, lead acid batteries, mercury thermostats, green treated or creosote treated wood and electronic. ET assists clients by performing a pre-demolition assessment to determine if these and other hazardous/regulated products exist in a building. We compiled a list of observed wastes and remove the items from service. Finally, we look for recycling option to minimize disposal charges.