Press Releases​
Visit this page every Monday for our weekly press releases.
July 13 - Phase 5 of Knife River Restoration Project
Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. has been awarded the fifth Phase of the Knife River Restoration project. This project will stabilize streambanks, create spawning redds and improve trout rearing habitat in the lower 2,500 liner feet of Reach 4. The project also includes the survey of approximately 2 miles of stream between Lake County Highway 11 and Lake County Highway 9, the restoration design to stabilize an eroding streambank in Reach 13 and removal of flood debris from the Lower Knife River Falls and Cable Hole.
July 3 - New Employee Emma Burgeson
Emma Burgeson has joined Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. as an environmental scientist and field technician. She graduated with her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Western Washington University and her Master of Science in Water Resources Science from the University of Minnesota. She brings a background in ecology, hydrology, and geomorphology that will add to our stream restoration services. Additionally, Emma is an FAA licensed drone pilot and plans to use video and photogrammetry to monitor the extent of spills and aid in stream assessment surveying.
April 21 - ET Wins Bid For Petroleum Soil Excavation
Environmental Troubleshooters won the State of Minnesota bid for the Petroleum Soil Excavation at the former Jeff’s Super Service in Greenbush, Minnesota. The project scope of work includes the excavation of contaminated soil, the pumping of contaminated ground water, landfill disposal of petroleum contaminated soils and backfilling the excavation.
March 30 - New Employee Brett Bjergo
Brett Bjergo joined ET in February of 2020 as a field scientist. Mr. Bjergo received his Bachelors of Science degree in Geological Science and a minor in Environmental Science from the University of Minnesota – Duluth. His primary role is to conduct soil and groundwater sampling, perform Phase I and II assessments and respond to environmental emergencies. Mr. Bjergo’s previous work experience consists of disaster response, remediation and cleanup and preserving/restoring native prairies.
January 26 - New Stream Project
Environmental Troubleshooters was awarded the North Fork of the Zumbro River Channel Restoration project in January 2021. The project includes the excavation of 30,000 cubic yards of soil, placement of 400 cubic yards of rip rap, installation of 400 linear feet of toe wood, planting of 450 live willow stakes, construction of two instream riffle structure and the removal of a remnant dam.
September 21 - New Boom and Skimmer
The new Boom and Skimmer have arrived. Environmental Troubleshooters, Inc. has purchased 4,600 linear feet of Acme Containment Boom and a 36” Drum Skimmer. We are currently pursuing an OSRO with the Coast Guard to provide additional spill response resources to the Northland.

September 7 - New Employee Camie Pederson
Camie Pederson had 32 years of environmental safety experience prior to joining Environmental Troubleshooters. She is our primary emergency responder and project manager in the Twin Cities. Her emergency response experience ranges from small-scale petroleum dispenser spills to catastrophic tank/line failure involving the release of thousands of gallons of free petroleum product.
August 31 - New Employee Brian Hayden
Brian Hayden joined ET’s team in 2019 as a senior project manager. He has over 35 years of diverse environmental experience working in the consulting, governmental and private sectors. As an environmental geologist/hydrogeologist he has extensive background conducting site investigations and remediations, environmental site assessments, brownfield redevelopments, landfill permitting and closures and environmental compliance. Brian’s experience also includes 10 years as an Environmental Manager for a Class I railroad where he was responsible for environmental compliance and management of facilities located in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. He specialties and expertise include emergency response and preparedness with having responded and managed small to national incidents.
Brian’s able to assist ET clients with Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), Spill Prevention, Countermeasures and Controls (SPCC) plans, emergency response planning and response management.
August 24 - ET's New Equipment
Environmental Troubleshooters has acquired new equipment. ET purchased an 80 BBL vacuum truck, as well as a brand new enclosed pressure washer trailer. The pressure washer trailer has hot, cold, and steam capabilities. ET has also acquired 4,600 feet of boom and a new skimmer.

August 17 - ET's New Twin Cities Office
Environmental Troubleshooters Inc. is excited to announce the opening of a new Twin Cities office. The office is staffed and ready to respond to your environmental needs, such as emergency response, industrial services, remediation, waste management, and vacuum truck transportation services. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions or need assistance.