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Winter's the Best Season to Plan your Site Redevelopment's Environmental Work

Winter’s a great time to consider your next redevelopment project, because there’s time to assess and design, obtain approvals and permits, get a grant and be first to hit the ground. Here are tips on what to plan for.
Vapor Intrusion in Commercial Property Acquisition and Development

Savvy leaders and developers are familiar with performing environmental due diligence as part of acquiring commercial property, and the industry standard for due diligence is the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA).
Brownfield Redevelopment has Risks - but also has Business Rewards

From approximately 1988 to 1998, businesses that owned or operated petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs) were required to remove and/or upgrade their old tank systems to prevent environmental releases.
Preliminary Assessments are Required to Address Renovation or Demolition Project Hazards

If you’re planning to renovate or demolish a commercial or residential structure, specific preliminary assessments must be conducted to protect occupants and contractors - and protect you from personal liability. The three primary environmental building inspections include asbestos, lead-based paint and regulated waste.
Evaluate Key Criteria before Redeveloping a Brownfield Site

In previous Duluthian “Environment” articles, I’ve explained why brownfield properties can be a benefit to developers looking for their next project. This articles focuses on evaluating a project or property to determine if the fit is right for your plans.
The Rehabilitation of a River

The Knife River, about a 19-mile drive up the North Shore from Duluth, once held one of the largest populations of naturally-reproducing steelhead in the Great Lakes. However, since the early 1970s, the Knife River’s steelhead population has experienced a dramatic decline. One of the reasons for this decline is habitat loss.