Wetland Consulting
Wetland regulations have recently become an obstacle for many developers, realtors and property owners who want to build on their property. Many of these parcels of property were not originally designated as wetlands when the property was originally purchased. Due to the heightened importance of wetlands, many properties have been re-evaluated and are now listed as containing considerable number of wetlands and cannot be filled without a permit. The wetland services ET offers are:
Wetland Assessment
Wetland Delineation
Wetland Permitting
Wetland Sequencing (Avoidance, Minimization and Replacement)
Wetland Mitigation Plan Development
Violation Compliance
Wetland Construction
ET can assist the property owner by acting as an impartial third party for delineating the location, size and type of the wetlands on your property. Once the wetlands are delineated, a site map and final report are compiled outlining the vegetation type, soil classification, and groundwater depth discovered at the site. The report is reviewed with the client and options are presented which may allow the client to complete the project as inexpensively as possible.

If wetlands impacts are necessary to complete the project, ET can assist client’s wetland sequencing and mitigation. This wetland mitigation process provides a replacement plan that locates suitable property for wetland replacement or a wetland mitigation bank in your Service Area. We also work closely with the state and local agencies to create a comfortable working relationship to streamline the review and approval projects, so the projects get permitted in a timely manner.